I wrote the piece below about two years ago. It resurfaced today and, though I barely recall writing it, I found it quite profound when I read it.
I thought it seemed perfect to share right here. Because it's about courage, taking steps into the unknown. And, destiny. It's really about destiny. Answering a call that beckons you, a calling that is well beyond your own understanding.
A lot of what creative being is all about... is living every day, every moment... in the unknown. Trusting, knowing, that there is a way, no matter what.
And the piece below, this writing, is about NOT waiting.
Don't wait... Just... jump!
And so, I share ~
"Great Cannot Wait"
your greatness... our greatness... cannot wait! go after it... jump if you have to... don't let yourself settle... wonder "what if" as you sit in fear of taking the next step... let nothing hold you back... the path WILL appear, when you jump! in fact... when you jump... the "path" is very different... because you FLY!
be not afraid... the whole of creation wants YOU to succeed... for the gift that was planted in you, long long ago before you were even born... was done so, because YOU had everything in line to bring that seed to light, to life. It's your job... that idea you've had... that vision you hold... that dream that is deepest in your heart that you don't tell anyone about for fear it might not happen... yes, that one... it is IN you to bring to life! Now... do it.
for indeed... great cannot wait.