"Hm, I thought... that's pretty key to life?!! Isn't it?"
Holding a balanced position... in our person... can be so important at times. Times like... when someone pushes our buttons... yeah, THOSE times.
As I thought about this, overhearing that man teach his kids about balance on the field while I collected my things from the car, I realized how VERY applicable his words were, to life.
If you're leaning in ANY direction, in your physical position -- you're susceptible to being "pushed over" ... as in, you can physically be "tipped" over, I heard him explain, in so many words.
But, I thought to myself, if you're "holding ground" ... my terms now... holding ground in your INNER position, and you're BALANCED... from that place, you are much LESS susceptible to being "tipped over" ... that is, much less likely to being "triggered," disrupted, tripped up, knocked over... in life... if you're living from a more balanced place.
As I carry out this 'physics of LIFE' concept... when we hold balance inside, that also allows us to be FASTER... more expeditious, more fluid, more at ease... in our personal FORWARD MOTION. Or, as the Coach I overheard said --> "Balance is Speed."
Balance IS speed because balanced positioning -- on the ball field AND in life -- allows for FAST movement, in ANY direction. And importantly, fast movement in the direction that presents itself best next, in ANY given moment!
The more BALANCED we can be, truly, is the more ABLE we are to move forward FAST. To be able to switch gears from any position, FAST, to jump at opportunities that show up in an instant, unexpectedly.
Balance is Speed... is very true!!
I didn't catch all of what that Coach's reasoning was for his words... but I know what hearing his words evoked in me:
Balance allows FAST ACTION physically... and, EMOTIONAL BALANCE allows us to stay grounded -- and in command -- of our own words and actions... and THAT is where our freedom lives. THAT is where our power lives! The place where we choose more consciously how we behave, how we react to situations, how we use our energy, how we use our words and actions... and how we choose to BE.
Emotional balance is KEY to staying in command of our choices... And... how we choose... leads to EVERYTHING, next!
And so I say... may we ALL find a LOT more balance... in all of our days to come!