December has started out GREAT.
After a weird day yesterday, on the last day of November…. today was a GEM! Yesterday, I was doing prayers, calling in some BIG light out in a field at the edge of a parking lot, when albeit odd for many on a cold snowy day… apparently one person thought it odd enough to call the authorities. So, while I was getting food out the back of my Jeep a little bit later… low and behold… I had company! Two officers racing across the parking lot with a paramedic… “Just making sure you’re OK” they said. "OH boy… Yes. I am GREAT, thanks!" I *was* going to hunker down in this sweet spot to pull off a full day's work online... but… I’ll move on so ya’ll don’t call any MORE authorities on my behalf. Thank you! SO… that was YESTERDAY.
December arrived... it was crystal-clear sunny, and I had QUITE a beautifully opposite encounter… with a blessing SO unexpected!
In a very different parking lot... I was greeted with THE most beautiful sweet and endearing gift.
A generously kind man apparently watched me from afar... and then approached me saying… “I want to give you this box of chocolates, and wish you a Merry Christmas. Are you going inside? Can I buy you a cup of coffee?” OH MY… what? I was stunned. Literally. I could hardly speak, and I started crying… to which HE started crying… and then he said: “YOU have just made my Christmas… Really… I am so grateful to meet you,” he says. We proceeded to talk… and walk inside… He treated me to coffee, PLUS, a future coffee gift card… and WE had THE greatest visit. I got from this man SO MUCH GRACE… and… a beautiful experience of the most beautiful energetic BALANCE he embodied, that I could feel palpably, as we began to visit. He embodied Structure AND Flow… creative AND functionality... that was so beautiful to feel. A GIANT gift, for me.
What a treasure!
He shared with me that he, his wife, and, his two adult children, ALL are in helping professions: Giving Love. And... I received.
Thank you so much, Ron! YOU are a gift to ME… and you kicked off my December, perfectly! Thank you!
**And the moral? Energy always balances. Yesterday's scary moment -- in a parking lot -- was completely off-set by... today's gift -- in a parking lot!
Life is beautiful that way. And I am grateful.
May we all... give the gift of Love this year ~ It's truly, so easy.