We are ALL choosing our way down the little yellow brick road of life... all day, every day!! THAT is how we create what comes next... in everything!!
So... learning how to choose the right way becomes pretty darn key, yes? :)
Here's a #TIP: Think about the notion of *recognizing* that which ENERGIZES you (makes you feel more alive!!)... versus... that which DRAINS you... (makes you feel like you wanna slump over and sleep!).
This is where you start!
Saying NO to that which drains you, and saying YES to that which energizes you... THIS is where your answers live!!
Just like, if the actual steps on a pathway were to "light up" when they are *right* versus other steps that feel dull and dreary...
Maybe... just maybe... there's a reason for that! You won't ever know what's on the other side of a choice, until you make it. And. How you learn to know, is by trial and error. You learn... by doing!
So... try it!
It can be a little tricky... like you're feeling your way thru the dark... BUT, it really only takes practice... to recognize what is best!!
Most important is to pay attention to *how you feel* when you choose! How do you feel when you Choose YES versus NO? How does it feel in your GUT!!!? That is where you start...
Look for more on this... in a future post!