Local news jumps in to help Embracing Creative win votes!
Local blog shares our story -- front page for the whole weekend -- to help Embracing Creative win votes for the Chase Small Business Grant.
TWO local radio stations jumped on board to drum-up votes, as well.
You can visit http://bloggingbishop.com/node/4424 -- or just look below -- to see the great news!
Sending out BIG THANKS to ALL the local media -- with special gratitude to both KIBS and SierraWave radio stations for adding us to your community news reports.
Getting live and in-person -- to literally "pound the pavement" and ask for votes -- was THE best move for spreading joy & sharing our "why!"
Thank you to ALL who listened, and got involved! We are GRATEFUL to the young people, parents, community members and ALL who helped spread the word ~ for Embracing Creative!
Below is a copy of the article posted by BishopBlogging.com:
Sharon Corsaro Seeks YOUR Vote to Help Win a Grant from Chase Bank - By blogger - Posted on 16 October 2014
Traveling across the country to share workshops that teach super fast problem-solving to help others create solutions with far greater ease, Sharon Corsaro is seeking YOUR VOTE by THIS Friday night, to help her win a Small Business Grant from Chase Bank.
The Grant will provide for all traveling costs, a traveling vehicle and all tech equipment needed to document the teaching, while Corsaro travels the country teaching small groups, schools, communities, individuals and businesses how to do, creative solutioning!
Visit www.EmbracingCreative.com to learn a lot more. Anyone with a Facebook account can vote -- Just go to http://bit.ly/bizgrant and hit the "vote now" button, and you are done!
Local blog shares our story -- front page for the whole weekend -- to help Embracing Creative win votes for the Chase Small Business Grant.
TWO local radio stations jumped on board to drum-up votes, as well.
You can visit http://bloggingbishop.com/node/4424 -- or just look below -- to see the great news!
Sending out BIG THANKS to ALL the local media -- with special gratitude to both KIBS and SierraWave radio stations for adding us to your community news reports.
Getting live and in-person -- to literally "pound the pavement" and ask for votes -- was THE best move for spreading joy & sharing our "why!"
Thank you to ALL who listened, and got involved! We are GRATEFUL to the young people, parents, community members and ALL who helped spread the word ~ for Embracing Creative!
Below is a copy of the article posted by BishopBlogging.com:
Sharon Corsaro Seeks YOUR Vote to Help Win a Grant from Chase Bank - By blogger - Posted on 16 October 2014
Traveling across the country to share workshops that teach super fast problem-solving to help others create solutions with far greater ease, Sharon Corsaro is seeking YOUR VOTE by THIS Friday night, to help her win a Small Business Grant from Chase Bank.
The Grant will provide for all traveling costs, a traveling vehicle and all tech equipment needed to document the teaching, while Corsaro travels the country teaching small groups, schools, communities, individuals and businesses how to do, creative solutioning!
Visit www.EmbracingCreative.com to learn a lot more. Anyone with a Facebook account can vote -- Just go to http://bit.ly/bizgrant and hit the "vote now" button, and you are done!