To quote this section's previously stated purpose: "We want YOU to know the heart of our *why* for going after this grant! This page is dedicated to sharing our plans and how this funding can make a world of difference in our *ability* to fulfill our mission! Stay tuned for the unfolding story, and please cast your vote to help us win!"
We made a massive valiant effort -- with lots of GREAT learning in the process (including a hard lesson on how online contests work!) AND, sadly, we did not win the votes needed to reach the judges with our GREAT application, and plans!
So, with DEEP GRATITUDE to ALL who helped (SO MANY OF YOU!), this section is being put to rest. Yet, as a testament to our efforts with some great stories from our process, we leave this live, for memory's sake!
Thank you for YOUR vote of confidence in helping Embracing Creative grow!